American Flatbread

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Flatbread Pizza, wood fired, family style salads, craft cocktails and local brews. American Flatbread is a unique restaurant, with deep roots here in Vermont and a strong value system around integrity and the power of food. Guests will love their unique pizzas baked in a primitive, earthen wood fire. You can get a sense of the restaurants mission from their website: “Food remembers the acts of the hands and heart. American Flatbread is a return to bread’s roots, an endeavor to explore the possibility of how good bread can be. Here, from the union of fire, rock, and the finest all natural ingredients, comes a carefully prepared handmade food that is nutritious, light, crisp, flavorful, and wonderfully convenient. Pizza with integrity.” This can be a nice stop before, mid-way or after a stroll along the Rec Path on Mountain Road.


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